But this is important and we have the information to help you.

You may have read that your skin’s absorption rate is 60%, but no one is exactly sure how much of what you put on your skin gets absorbed. Skin products are mostly made of water which evaporates but what about the oils and chemicals?
The oils in skincare products stay on top of your skin because their molecules are too large to be absorbed. That's good for us because it allows for a nice protective and softening layer.
But one thing is for sure, the chemicals found in most commercially made products can get absorbed and circulate in our bloodstream. 😡
Ever hear the phrase “endocrine disruptors”? Not something we want. Our livers filter out toxins but not all and some amount ends up in our tissues and this is what we are concerned about.
Finding lotions and deodorants which contain the fewest chemicals is a good way to avoid potential issues and support your skin and your liver too. Health food stores, Whole foods and small skincare businesses are a good place to start looking for cleaner, greener skincare.
Lisa uses straight coconut oil, but finds it really messy. Others like sweet almond oil or sesame (NOT TOASTED SESAME THAT YOU USE FOR COOKING). These are great if you have time after your shower and before you get dressed to let the oil settle onto your skin and dry a bit but are not so great for dashing out the door.
Here are some examples of cleaner products and companies…
BABO BOTANICALS sensitive skin
EVERYONE nourishing lotion
There are other smaller brands often started by herbalists which have fantastic products. Etsy is a great place to find small producers. Be sure to read the reviews and ingredients. These have crossed out paths over the years.
THE SUPER SALVE COMPANY (Sharene found in NM and loves!)
NOTE, that even if a lotion is chemical free or low chemicals, it is possible that you can have a reaction to the essential oils or other ingredients. Be sure to test a small amount first.
And don’t forget to use the EWG HEALTHYLIVING APP when you shop to check the ingredients. It’s easy and fun!
Despite all this talk of lotions with high quality ingredients perhaps the best thing you can do for your skin is to support it from the inside out. There are several supplements that play important roles in the health and appearance of your skin and may even help it to be less dry.

FISH OIL: make sure it is a high quality one like Nordic Naturals
COLLAGEN: Lisa likes Garden of Life and Vital Proteins Sharene likes Great Lakes Wellness from Trader Joes. Look for collagen from grass fed cows.
Be sure to include the foods below in your diet to help increase your intake of vitamins that support your skin.
Vitamin D: mushrooms, sardines and eggs
Vitamin C: bell peppers, citrus and tomatoes
Vitamin A: salmon, sweet potatoes, kale, mangoes
Vitamin K: kale, spinach and cabbage
Zinc: beans, nuts and seeds
When you run out of your current lotions and antiperspirants, consider doing research to find the best lotions and potions for your skin keeping in mind that what you put on your skin can enter your bloodstream. Use the EWG app to help navigate the myriad of “clean” products.
If possible, purchase a trial size to test the ingredients on your skin.
Even small shifts can limit the amount of toxins our bodies are exposed to. If looking at long chemical names in tiny print is too overwhelming now, maybe just look for products in glass and/or paper. Most likely those products will contain less chemicals and certainly the packaging will not have many or any chemicals.
Eat the rainbow, everything in moderation, cut back on sugar and move your body. Remember, your body is all one system, what’s good for your inside is also good for your skin!
Chemicals to avoid…
PEGS petroleum based potential carcinogens listed as ethylene glycol polymers, PEG, or ceteareth
Octinoxate listed as: Octyl methoxycinnamate; 2-Ethylhexyl-p-methoxycinnamate; 2-Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate; 2-Ethylhexyl-4-methoxycinnamate; 2-Propenoic acid, 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-, 2-ethylhexyl ester; Octinoxate; 2-Ethylhexyl p-methoxycinnamate; Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate.
Polyacrylamide potential carcinogen listed as: polyacrylamide; 2-propenamide, homopolymer; acrylamide, polymers.
Basically any long names you don’t recognize!