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Don’t forget during our time of Corona, farms are still going strong. While the supply chain is getting itself sorted out and hopefully less food is going to waste on farms, we can do our small part to support local farmers by going to the farmers markets, joining a CSA, if it’s not to late AND last, but not least, go pick-your-own veggies and fruit! There’s a bounty out there along with fresh air, sunshine and exercise! Yes, picking veggies and fruit count as exercise. This past weekend we did a little trip up to the Finger lakes and while making a delightful and delicious pit stop at a cidery (shout out to Finger Lakes Cider House), we discovered not only do they grow apples, but also the most beautiful, delicious, organic strawberries. No one was picking this luscious fruit, so I had to get the ball rolling and in just 5 minutes I had a quart of berries.

Soon others were picking too. Why not, all of these berries would go to waste if not for us. You may not want to drive all the way to the Finger Lakes, but there are many local farms that will soon be offering blue berries, peaches, blackberries and of course in the fall, apples and pumpkins. Besides fruit, there are many farms that also offer pick-your-own vegetables. It doesn’t get any fresher than that.

Google around and you will find many local farms bursting at the seams. It is a great way to help them and ourselves.

One farm we have gone to when the kids were little is the Jones Family Farm in CT. No relation! Strawberry season is over, but soon it will be blueberries.

Check out this website for more info on pick your-own-farms. And when you are tooling around on your local vacations this summer, don't hesitate to pull off the road when you see those little signs that say "pick-your-own". There is a world of deliciousness out there ripe for the picking!



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